Christmas Sugar Cookies {Reindeer, Snowmen, and Trees...Oh My!}

'Tis the season to pull out the cookie cutters and go bonkers.  And by go bonkers, I mean decorate sugar cookies with royal icing.  It's all relative here at Sweet Kiera dot com. I was inspired by Martha Stewart's Christmas Character Sugar Cookies.  I was working with different cookie cutters, but used pretty much the same decorations on my Frosty and Rudolph.  I love her partridge in a pear tree cookie too, but there are only so many cookie cutters one can collect.

Here are my little christmas cookies - the snowflake and reindeer cookie cutter were a present from  Vale.   I don't deserve all these presents, but I just love them.


I think these two are my personal favorite.

gingerbread man with scarf and reindeer sugar cookies

Oh, that's not to fair to say.  I love them all the same!
