Here's an Idea: Ugly Christmas Sweater Gingerbread Men

Really not too much more you can say here.  I'll let my Ugly Christmas Sweater Cookies speak for themselves. IMG_4452


Although, I guess I have some major thanks to give to my mom for supplying me with some super awesome sprinkles that came in a *happy birthday to me* (December 15th) care package.

I also have to shout out a **happy birthday to my big sis** (December 14th) and congrats to her and Brendan since she's PREGGERS.  It's officially okay for me to announce it here because she wrote it her own comment on a previous blog post.

One more thing, a relevant Oscar quote --

SK:  Oscar, check out these Ugly Christmas Sweater Gingerbread Men that I made for my sister's birthday.

O:  But...they're not Ugly.

SK:  {swoon}
